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How to Make Punjabi Tadka Masala

Hello food lovers! Today, we’re going to explore the vibrant flavors of Punjabi cuisine by learning how to make Punjabi Tadka Masala. This recipe is the secret behind the rich and aromatic flavors of many North Indian dishes. So, let’s get started!


3 tablespoons of Ghee

1 tablespoon of Cumin seeds (Jeera)

1 cup of finely chopped Onion

1 tablespoon of finely chopped Garlic

1 tablespoon of finely chopped Ginger

3/4 cup of finely chopped Tomatoes

1 teaspoon of Salt (or to taste)

1 tablespoon of Coriander Powder (Dhania)


Preparation: Start by finely chopping the onions, garlic, ginger, and tomatoes. Try to cut them as uniformly as possible for a better texture.

Cooking: Use a heavy-bottomed pan and heat the ghee on medium to high heat. Add the cumin seeds and let them bloom for about 30-45 seconds. Keep stirring to prevent them from burning.

Adding Ingredients: Next, add the onions, ginger, and garlic to the pan. Sauté them until the onions become soft and slightly golden in color.

Spices: Now, add the tomatoes, coriander powder, and salt to the pan. Stir well and let the mixture cook until the tomatoes are well cooked and the spices are well blended.

Final Touch: Your Punjabi Tadka Masala is now ready! You can use it immediately or store it in an airtight container for future use.

This Punjabi Tadka Masala is a versatile base that can be used in a variety of dishes, from dals to curries. It’s the perfect way to bring a touch of authentic Indian flavor to your meals. Enjoy your cooking adventure!

Note: The flavors of the Tadka Masala can vary based on personal preference and the specific dish you’re preparing. Feel free to adjust the quantities of the ingredients to suit your taste.


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