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How to Make Apple Juice and what is the Benefits

Apples: nature's sweet, crunchy gift. But what if you could transform them into a refreshing, delicious drink packed with goodness? Enter homemade apple juice! This isn't your store-bought variety, loaded with sugars and preservatives. This is pure, unadulterated apple magic made in your own kitchen.

Let's Get Juicer:


  • Apples! Choose sweet, tart, or a mix – Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Gala, the choice is yours (around 3-4 lbs. for 2 cups juice)
  • Optional: Water (if apples are very dry)
  • Optional: Lemon juice (to prevent browning)


  • Juicer (centrifugal or masticating) or blender
  • Strainer (if using a blender)
  • Funnel
  • Glass bottles or airtight container.


  1. Wash and prep: Give your apples a good scrub. Core and chop them into chunks, leaving the peels on for extra nutrients (optional).
  2. Juice it up: Feed the apple chunks into your juicer, following your machine's instructions. If using a blender, add a little water and blend until smooth, then strain through a cheesecloth.
  3. Fresh is best: Enjoy your juice immediately for the purest flavor and nutrients. If storing, add a squeeze of lemon and bottle in airtight containers. Refrigerate for up to 3 days.

Bonus! Apple Cider Vinegar: Leftover pulp? Don't toss it! Add water and sugar, let it ferment, and voila – homemade apple cider vinegar!

Sweet Rewards: Benefits of Apple Juice

While enjoying the taste is reason enough, homemade apple juice boasts some health perks:

  • Vitamin Power: Packed with Vitamin C, supporting your immune system.
  • Fiber Boost: opt for unstrained juice for added fiber, aiding digestion.
  • Hydration Hero: Keeps you refreshed, especially on hot days.
  • Antioxidant Ally: May help protect cells from damage with its antioxidant content.

Remember: Moderation is key. While homemade juice is better than store-bought, it still contains concentrated sugars. Enjoy it as part of a balanced diet.

Beyond the Basics: Twists and Tips

  • Flavor fusion: Add ginger, mint, or other fruits for a twist.
  • Sweetness control: Skip added sugars, the natural apple sweetness shines through.
  • Pulp fiction: Enjoy the fibrous goodness of unstrained juice, or strain for a smoother drink.

Embrace the joy of homemade apple juice. It's a fun, healthy way to savor the taste of fresh apples and add a touch of homemade goodness to your day!


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